long-term loans

美 [lɔːŋ tɜːrm loʊnz]英 [lɒŋ tɜːm ləʊnz]
  • 网络长期贷款;长期借款
long-term loanslong-term loans
  1. Therefore , the real estate development companies rely heavily on financial institutions to provide long-term loans .


  2. Long-term loans payable include the loans borrowed from financial institutions and other units .


  3. In recent years , the long-term loans share of commercial banks showed rising trend .


  4. As for long-term loans for new ventures , it can forget them .


  5. They take big long-term loans from the bank in order to buy things such as luxury houses .


  6. Issue short-term , medium-term and long-term loans ;


  7. ADBC : New medium and long-term loans rise in Jan-Aug.


  8. For example , the company no more long-term loans , short-term loans , and the repayment ability is better .


  9. The value of new long-term loans to businesses contracted 43 % year-over-year in the first four months of 2012 .


  10. High-price house buyers prefer low proportion long-term loans as compared to mid-and-low price house buyers ;


  11. Unmarried borrowers prefer high proportion loans and young borrowers and borrowers with college education prefer long-term loans .


  12. This means that the banks have abilities to adjust the interest of the long-term loans in accordance to the earnings quality .


  13. The report sees little reason for the fund to provide long-term loans to countries in deep poverty but not in acute crisis .


  14. A rise in the share of medium - and long-term loans to fund investment projects also would signal the stimulus is kicking in .


  15. The Export-Import Bank extends long-term loans at favorable rate to foreign buyers , thus financing the purchase of US goods and services .


  16. Thus , the overall risk of forest activities would lie reduced , and the possibility of small long-term loans to foresters would he raised .


  17. Pension fund liabilities are , in effect , long-term loans by employees to the sponsoring company , secured on the assets of the fund .


  18. This reduced the resources of funds for mid-and long-term loans as well as downgrading the stability of deposits , but increased the pressure for circulation .


  19. In 1998 the policy changed and pairs of pandas started to leave China on long-term loans , which improved the chances of reproduction in captivity .


  20. Nicaragua buys $ 1 billion a year of Venezuelan oil , and gets half of it back in low-interest , long-term loans .


  21. Policy banks are supposed to provide favorable long-term loans for the relocation and the central budget should pay 90 percent of the interest , according to the document .


  22. At present , financing is the bottle-neck for SMEs to develop , for there is a lack of short-term loans , saying nothing of long-term loans .


  23. The World Bank ( International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ) provides , at interest rates lower than those in markets , medium - and long-term loans mainly for the developing countries .


  24. And much of it can be in the form of long-term loans to be repaid by the republics once they 're on their feet .


  25. The use of proceeds is confined to mid-or long-term loans or equity investments in projects in China and can not be converted to foreign currencies .


  26. The existence of this phenomenon makes short-term financing bills in the short-term loans to commercial banks with an alternative role , and also forms a substitution for long-term loans .


  27. Empirical results show that : the correlation between changes in fair value and long-term loans was significant positive ; change in fair value included in capital reserve and short-term loans are related .


  28. In2004 , a World Bank loan of $ 120 million to the SIDBI-the apex bank for SMEs in India-has helped channel long-term loans .


  29. Similarly , real property ( land and buildings ) and equipment are good forms of collateral , but they are generally used as security for long-term loans rather than for working capital loans .


  30. The new joint-stock commercial banks are more flexible than large state-owned commercial banks in interest rate risk management , and large state-owned commercial banks rely on short-term deposits to support the long-term loans .
